Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Environment friendly!

Just saw an email from school. From last monday onwards.... each plastic bag we get from the book store when we buy thing will cost us 10 cents. These money will go to a donno what fund in NUS. Something about charity de.

Reason for telling us that is to clarify that NUS is not making profit from the plastic bags la. OK la... I agree with this concept... money for the bag.


Of cos, environment friend la... use too many plastic no good ma. Like that can reduce number of waste. Also... now NUS book stall is just like convenient stores (7-11) in taiwan and whichever country.... money for the bag. Ah bo bring your own bag. Plus... from now on no one would use excuse like " you buy thing and i will give u the plastic bag for free". hohohoho....


for small items ok la... we can put the staff bought into our bag... or bring a bag along... which is still seem stupid for most Singaporean la... bring an empty bag everywhere. However hor, imagine those study archi or interior design... they need to use those big big paper (i know now got computer la.. you think i stupid meh... but sometimes still need to use paper by hand de ma) how they going to bring those thing home? Maybe there is a way and i think it too sallow... but .... donno!

PS: Blog is a good connection but also dangerous. Everything said must be very careful cos you donno who will be reading it and ppls' reaction. Its like a recorder ... it recorder what every you said. Of cos your can delete and rewrite your entry... but you nv know who already read it before you delete.

I know my ang mo very kns... maybe you all wont understand. But don understand even better... ah hahahaha so bad!

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