Thursday, December 25, 2008

m33RrY ChRistMas !!

Merry Christmas, the guys and gals just left at around 10 pm. Is the party great? I wont say that but at least everyone has things to do. Including watching TV. Prepare some lame presents for the guys... waiting to see the their expression. To my disappoinment, they didn give much. But, i think they are even more disappointed to receive that. hahaha... anyway, toothpick is kind of useful right?

The highlights of the day will be gift exchange. Some got they wanted, some got what they feel is lame and some got what they already have. hahaha.... short process but fun. Another thing is that... we had some many food left including a big logcake. Worrying of not having enough food to enjoy, we ended up worry not enough room to take these food. Asked them to take some home. When i open my fridge, i realised they are still food inside. OMG So many foodsssss.

It has been a long time seeing my friends sitting on my sofa. We use to have this kind of gathering often. That time there were more people.

While waiting for LFT & Gf to come....

Take a group photo with the two first.

Candid one.

Makan while waiting for the two.

The BIG LOGCAKE. Really a lot.

Oreo wait for his share.... Too bad no matter how long he waited all he gets was just wet food.

Finally, the two reach. The completed group photo.

Showing off our exxhanged gift.

Have you guys heard of the mascara " Flamingo"? Was recommended by Eva to me. It says to lengthen your lashes 300%. Was told it really works. Haven try that. Gonna try for the result. If it really works. Why do ppl who wants long lashes spending more that they could have for mascara working the same or not really well. This mascara is really cheap. My friends are suing it, never heard of any complaints but only the good ones. So! should be safe to use. If thats the case, why bother to spend more? Gonna try, gonna try for results.

I had found so many pictures i took long ago. Wanted to blog them. But sad to say, taking pictures are fast just a shutter of second but narrating them is another story. Much longer time is needed and i dont really have them. Thus, what i wanna talk about on those picture is already not in my mind and i have to delete them away.

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